Sunday 30 April 2017


KLAUS FUCHS Circa 1945


A little known fact, although it hasn't been a hidden one, is that Klaus Fuchs, German born nuclear physicist and atom spy, was amongst the thousands of German men arrested and interned in June 1940. Like many of his compatriots he was initially interned in the Isle of Man before being put aboard a ship bound for Canada with the eventual destination of the Sherbrooke Internment camp.

Briefly, his history involved his membership of the Nazi party before he was expelled in 1932. He joined the German Communist Party in 1933 which was the same year that he escaped from Nazi oppression and took up residence in the UK. He attended at the University of Bristol and then Edinburgh University before his arrest in 1940.

Not much is known of his time on the Isle of Man as the vast majority of records from that time were destroyed in the early 1950s which interestingly coincided with Fuchs' departure from Harwell and subsequent arrest for spying.

The fact that he was an internee brings up the connection between a man who would become a formal atom spy in 1941 and other internees that were staged on the Isle of Man before shipping out to Canada or Australia and the Hay internment camp. Tibor Kaldor comes to mind.


The opportunity for links is clear:
1. Via the Isle of Man internment camp to internees who later boarded the Dunera headed for Sydney, Hay and finally Tatura.

2. Via his eventual 'cut out' courier, Harry Gold, to Major Pavel Ivanovich Fedosimov.

3. It is recorded that whilst at Sherbrooke, Klaus met with a contact who gave him a list of left wing associates.





In the previous post, we showed the overlay and comparison of the appearance of Pavel Fedosimov and the plaster bust image of the Somerton Man. If you recall, I did say that my belief was that the bust was created using the post autopsy images as a guide. and it occurred to me that by comparing the post autopsy image to the Fedosimov image we may get a more accurate outcome.

The short video clip above does just that, it compares the two main images as an overlay This was a little tricky to achieve given that we had two quite different camera angles and the subjects head was also inclined to the left in the post autopsy image with a different incline for the image of Fedosimov. I was able to rotate the Fedosimov image and also made a minor adjustment to the angle of the Somerton Man's image and the result is as you see in the clip.

You will notice that the image of SM has the eyes mostly closed whilst Pavel's image has the eyes quite well open. The set of the eyes, the length and shape of the nose and the mouth are all very close to a 98% match, small differences are down to lighting and shade plus a variation in the photo angles. from this we can conclude that the facial 'metrics' are very close to each other.

I am still of the opinion that Fedosimov is the Somerton Man with a 98% certainty. It is impossible to be 100% certain, whilst Clive has contacted the FBI and the Atomic Energy organisation in Switzerland, we have had no response from the latter and the former was unable to offer any real assistance in tracking down further information or photographs that included Pavel. This is despite Pavel having been identified by Harry Gold from a photograph provided by the FBI according to FBI public records. There is always room for error and there is always a possibility that we may still get a response from the FBI about Pavel and his eventual fate.

Next post will describe the link between Pavel Fedosimov and Australia, it is an extraordinary set of circumstances and I hope you will find it as fascinating as we have.

Saturday 29 April 2017




In the video above you will notice that there is an almost perfect match between the Fedosimov facial features and those shown in the image of the Somerton Man Bust full face view. The set of the eyes is the same, the shape of the nose is the same but as the video progresses, you will note that there is a difference between Fedosimov's mouth/chin line and that of the bust. On close examination you will see that the difference is explained by the fact that Fedosimov's mouth is open in his image whilst the Bust image shows a closed mouth, in fact the Somerton Man's mouth was glued shut after the autopsy, a common practice. The open mouth has the effect of lengthening the chin as you will observe. The angle from which the Fedosimov photograph was taken and the lighting also play a part in this video.

This second video is to show in better detail the match between the nose of SM and that of Fedosimov:

As you can see, the nose shape is exactly the same with the only difference being the lighting and shadow effects. If you look carefully at the nostrils in particular, they seem to me to be perfectly matched.

In a very recent post we showed the issues related to the shape of the Somerton Man's ears, that post demonstrated that aspect,

My view is that, given the open mouth of Fedosimov, we have a 98% match between the face of Fedosimov and that of the Somerton Man bust. This underpins my belief that the Somerton Man is very likely to be KGB Major, Pavel Fedosimov.

It is acknowledged that the plaster bust was constructed by Paul Lawson based in part on the post autopsy image of the Somerton Man.

Fedosimov was last seen in July 1948 as he boarded a ship bound for Russia, there is no recorded sighting of him since that time.

But how was Fedosimov linked to Australia? More on that in an upcoming post.


Wednesday 26 April 2017



This weapon whilst looking very like a Colt 45 automatic, was in fact a high powered gas powered dart gun developed through and after WW2 as a lethal way in which to dispose of an enemy quickly and efficiently. It must be said that 'quickly' did not equate to painlessly.

The weapon had a range of 250 feet and the projectile that it fired was a super slim dart barely wider than a human hair.There were a number of poison options that were used some of which were more exotic than others but two of which are of particular interest to this case.


Whilst Digitalis, a 'heart' drug of the time and for the record the same medication that was taken by Russian Spy Harry Dexter White when he died back in August 1948. That was an extraordinarily busy month for those involved in the 'trade'. Back to the point at hand, it was thought by many experts at the time that Digitalis was the most likely cause of the Somerton Man's death but there was no trace of such a poison in his body, it was a drug that quickly dissipated into the system.

One aspect that puzzled me was the fact, I understand, that SM's heart stopped mid beat, that is a most unusual occurrence but I stand to be corrected. Perhaps Byron may like to contribute on that.

The bottom line is that we have a named but unproven cause of death.


What sort of poison is that could have put an end to SM's life? What clues, if any,exist that could point us in the right direction? We know that all substances leave behind a trace, a metabolite trace. 

But there was no such trace in the case of SM and that could be because the traces that were left were those normally to be found in the system. A perfect poison.

We know that our US friends and perhaps their enemies, were constantly working at new and improved methods and hence the headline and image at the top of the page. Some of the poisons being investigated for use included, shellfish toxin, crocodile bile, cobra venom and botulinum. There were two others, SUXAMETHONIUM, (called SUX) a drug used as an anaesthetic, and POTASSIUM CHLORIDE.

In the case of SUX, in sufficient quantities, it paralyses the muscles of the body and delivers a very painful death though quick, within a minute the victim stops breathing and asphyxiates. 

Researching this topic, it brought to mind the fact that SM was seen to wave his arm but then stopped. True to say that was some hours before his estimated time of death.

POTASSIUM CHLORIDE given in sufficient quantity however, acts somewhat differently. it causes severe heart arrhythmia and within minutes the heart spasms and stops, the victim dies.

Could it be that SM was given a smaller earlier dose of PC or SUX? Enough to disable him and then the final overdose was delivered at a safe distance? Both of these options would no trace for a doctor to uncover at an autopsy and both of which were tested for use in the early cold war years. 


One wonders about the watcher, the man in the hat who stood by the fence looking down at the scene and patiently watched SM as he slowly deteriorated.

Last thought for the moment at least, looking at Tibor Kaldor's death certificate and autopsy report, there are similarities in the description of the probable cause.

Tuesday 25 April 2017




This training clip prepared by the OSS in 1942, covers, in quite some detail, how couriers and cut outs operated in the 1940s. In particular it shows a number of ways in which messages were concealed before following through with the subsequent capture and search of the courier.

Various concealment techniques are discussed and shown with specific attention paid to the search techniques applied to captured agents. In the clip you will see how extraordinarily thorough the search is, a full body search that examines every part of the body, ears, eyes, hair, skin and cavities.

When it came to the agents clothes, I think you will be very surprised at what the clip reveals. Labels are removed from clothing as are buttons and the jacket is completely deconstructed.


When the belt is examined at the 18 minute mark of the clip, the search revealed micro writing in secret ink on the surface of the belt with chemicals being used including iodine vapour.

I hope you enjoy watching this short film, I think you will find it casts much light on the Somerton Man case.

Watch the actions of the girl...


I think it is well worth listing and comparing aspects of the SM case and the details of this training film. It is by taking this approach that we can formulate a view of just what happened to the Somerton Man.

Direct comparisons are as follows:

1. Labels removed from clothing
2. Jacket 'de-constructed'
3. Buttons removed
4. Secret micro written message found
5. Shoes de-constructed (in the case of SM, we have only a photograph of the outer of the shoes, there is no photograph that shows the numbers found in the shoe bringing into question whether the shoes in the photograph are in fact the 'real' shoes.
6. Teeth, in the clip teeth and fillings being removed is mentioned. SM had a number of missing teeth and we do not know whether or not they had been missing for some time
7. We have said for some time that iodine vapour may have been used to reveal secret writing, the clip discusses the use of this chemical and UV lighting.
8. In a separate video, the use of dead drop message forwarding is shown. It discusses in particular railway station left luggage lockers. See the OSS training clip below:

The mutual identification method of torn paper was shown in an earlier Fedosimov post, match the paper and confirm the validity of the contact. Once again a strong similarity to the SM case.

The evidence is mounting and it it seems to me to be well past the tipping point leaving little if any doubt that the Somerton Man case is indeed one of espionage.


Saturday 22 April 2017




In the image above we can see Fedosimov's left ear but the comparison shot to the right above shows the right ear.

Now we can see the comparison images showing the right ear from both images. The left ear from the post autopsy image, above left, of SM looks not to be attached, similar in fact to Fedosimov's left ear.

It's a;l; about the angles from which the photos were taken, when it comes to human faces, the camera can lie or at least be deceiving.

Below we have a series of images of a well known TV star, David James Elliot, in some the ears appear to be attached and in others not:





And finally an image I came across whilst browsing for examples seems to show particularly well how camera angles can make a big difference to the human face:


The bottom line is that when it comes to Fedosimov and the likelihood of his being the Somerton Man, what we can say is the following:

  1. The ears are very similar
  2. The teeth seem to match the description of the Somerton Man
  3. The face is a very similar shape
The height of the Somerton Man, and here we need to repeat the logic from an earlier post, is very similar to the height of Fedosimov as described by Harry Gold, Atom Spy.

The logic is as follows:

The Somerton Man when measured on the slab in the morgue was 5' 11'' in height.

The fact is that a dead person lying on a slab is going to have their muscles fully relaxed and it is fact that if the person were alive and standing in their stocking feet you would add at least 1" to 1.5" to their height just because they would have their muscles tensed. This would make the Somerton Man a little over 6' in height in a non-relaxed state

Now, if you were asked to stand up straight against the wall and stretch to your full height, you can add another 1" to their height. Those who have been in the services would vouch for that.

We now have the Somerton Man standing erect and stretched to his full height and he would then measure at least 6' 1" in height and very possibly a little more.

Next, put some shoes on and you will add another 1" to his height making him, fully extended and wearing shoes, at 6' 2" in height.

Let's get situational, when Harry Gold saw Fedosimov, he said that he was walking on the balls of his feet. That is going to give him the appearance of additional height making him, in appearance at least between 6' 2" and 6' 3" in height. Adding to that, Fedosimov was in the habit of wearing a hat, it to should be taken into account. There is no doubt in my mind that the Somerton Man was a good deal taller than the 'slab' height quoted.

I would like to mention 'coffeemen24' from a reddit post (it was about Thomas Bede), who, 11 months ago, expressed doubt about the ears based on camera angles and lighting, many thanks for your input!

Not wishing to sound macabre but, if you haven't been to a morgue and seen numerous bodies and discussed their appearance with coroners and other specialists, then you would not know that this would be the case.

You should also bear in mind that the post autopsy images of the Somerton Man were altered and that has been agreed to by Professor Abbott although we may differ on the degree of alteration. You can read more of this in a much earlier blog post here:

In Passing...

Whilst we are looking into the past, a mistake was made by someone on another blog regarding the discovery of the issue of soot and smoke that would have left deposits on the Somerton Man and his clothes but in fact none were mentioned nor found to the best of my knowledge. I published this quite some time ago, in fact February 2016, and you can find it here:

Trains & Soot

I mention this as I am sure the other blog author and the commenter wouldn't want to give people the wrong impression and be thought of as plagiarising this work again.


Wednesday 19 April 2017


Our man of mystery is Tibor Kaldor. Whilst the documents that we have of him are generally sound, he had clearly stated in an advert that he was a PHD from Vienna University. Clive has done some very thorough research and has contacted numerous Universities in Vienna, some of whom responded and some did not. The outcome is that, most importantly, Vienna University responded and were very clear on the fact that all of their records had survived the war and that there was no trace of anyone named Tibor Kaldor in their files. The other responses we had were also in the negative, no trace of a Tibor Kaldor. We cannot speak for those Universities that did not respond of course whilst ever that is the case, there is a slim possibility that Tibor had attended a University in that location.


Whilst researching on the topic of the Dunera Boys, I came across a book, 'The Dunera Internees' by Benzion Patkin. The book details the memories of a number of former Dunera Boys and also provided a number of photographs including two of an 'Internee' registration form for a Harry Jeidels. These forms were issued to every Dunera Boy when they arrived in Australia, I take that to mean that the men were processed first in Fremantle and that is where the registrations were completed. As an aside, within this book is a reference to the Myer Emporium in Melbourne and a special pricing deal that was arranged for clothing items for the internees, below costs to all accounts.

You will note that the form title has been altered from its original printed name of 'Certificate of Registration of Alien' to 'Certificate of Registration of Internee'. A minor difference perha[ps but for the keen researcher that could be significant, what if a search for the altered title turned up trumps?

As you can see, there is a decent sized formal photograph with fingerprints. You may also note the registration number on the photograph, a stylised X followed by 4 digits. I suggest that you file that away for future reference that will be made in an upcoming post.

You can also see that Harry was a Photographer, in fact, in Clive's research, Harry refers to himself as a 'High-Class Photographer' and, interestingly, he was also involved in Bakelite manufacture, possibly a process worker in Melbourne before he eventually took up his career of Photographer once again.

Below is a close-up and enhancement of the back of Tibor Kaldor's application for citizenship form, it shows the name of a Photographer but, sadly, it was another photographer of German birth based in Melbourne.

But it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that Harry may have worked at the Mottek studio and certainly quite possible that he may have known Tibor whilst they were both interned at Hay and then Tatura camps.

Harry Jeidels died in 1987, Clive has taken on the task of further research.

So, there we have it, no sign of Tibor Kaldor having gained a PHD in Vienna and a 'new' form that we can pursue in our research on the Tibor Kaldor story.

We are still left with the fact that Tibor Kaldor turned up dead having apparently taken poison in a Hindley Street, Adelaide hotel, 2 weeks to the day after the finding of SM's body, also poisoned, on Somerton Beach.We have Tibor's last letter, unusually structured and which, when processed through an acrostic decoder turned up the name 'DANETTA'. A second pass through the decoder turned up the following phrase: 'AND SEE DANETTA AND SUITCASE DANETTA DANNETTA DANETTA'.

Many thanks to Clive for his ongoing commitment and research that continues to throw up more most interesting information.

There will be more posts on Tibor as we make progress with research as indeed there will be more on microcode now that we have a much-improved camera lens set up, the early results are amazing. There will also be more on Pavel Fedosimov and his part in the SM story as well as an intriguing potential link between the Dunera Boys and the Manhattan project.

UPDATE: 8th March 2019

Images from 'THE DUNERA INTERNEES' By Benzion Patkin


Sunday 16 April 2017



Our focus for the purpose of this post is a close up image of the 'stain' found at the top right of the code page. It is not, in fact, a stain but an area of the page that was selectively treated with what I believe to be a chemical solution similar to that used by the mail censors at that time and through WW2.

Below is a side by side close up image of the 'stain'. In the right-hand side image, I have marked up the focus area for you to view:

It is yet another example of handwritten micro-writing. I estimate this to be approximately .5mm in height and once again it's hidden in plain sight.

There are more images from the code page plus more from Verse 70 and the Hay Bank notes yet to come, in fact, we have more than 100 all taken with a new lens set up that has enabled us to get within 1 cm of the image object. All show the same distinct style of micro-writing.

There is quite definitely a link between the Hay internees, Jestyn, Alf Boxall and the code page itself and that link is underlined by the presence of the same type of microcode.

The next post will provide more information about Tibor Kaldor plus a new document that we have found.


Monday 10 April 2017

SOMERTON MAN: Verse 70 close ups


Above is a close up of Jestyn's signature, taken in daylight with a Pentax Optio at macro setting. No adjustments made at this stage but you can see letters and numbers though quite faintly.

What you see above is a close-up image taken in daylight with a Pentax Optio camera set to maximum Macro View, in that setting the lens gets to within 1 cm of the object. The image is of the closing inverted commas at the end of Verse 70 and above Jestyn's signature. On the left is the raw image and on the right I have used an onscreen magnifier to clarify the micro written code. I estimate it to be around .3 mm in height, which is at least twice the human eye threshold.

Above is an image of the power left corner of Verse 70. Taken in daylight and close up/macro mode. At this point, I have not made any adjustments to the image but will add another image later that will have had its levels adjusted to sharpen the fuzzy looking numbers that appear in the lower part of the letter Y within the magnified circle. There are also numbers in the 70 and will add another image of that later this week.

The technique used is such that anyone with a suitable digital camera can replicate what has been done here.

What this proves is that Alf and Jestyn made use of this from of clandestine communications. It is similar to the microcode written into the Hay Internment camp signatures and as is found within the code page.


Sunday 2 April 2017

SOMERTON MAN: .....a-pieces tore....

Verse 70

Last Line...

Be certain that what you see in this image is micro-writing, a set of numbers and letters shows up not only in the upright of the letter T indicated but in every letter and every word in Verse 70 including the number 70 believed to have been added by Alf Boxall at some time after his interview with Stuart Littlemore.

If you look carefully at what appears to be a set of inverted commas following the word 'tore', there are numbers and letters within them.

I will be adding more to this post. I apologise for the somewhat blurry image but unfortunately, the recent weather events here in Australia knocked out power and wounded my main PC so I am using an old laptop for this post including some old editing software. Having said that, if you are viewing this with an iPad, you will get a better view...



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